The 10 Secrets About Yoga For Digestion Only A Handful Of People Know
Bad digestion is the root of all evil. According to Ayurveda, the root cause of all disorders lies in the poor digestion, that is why digestion should remain strong, but people don’t like to talk about and prefer to keep private. Although, when gas, constipation, bloating strike, it seems to be the only thing we can focus on. To solve this problem today we will tell you top effective yoga for digestion poses which will clear all your digestive ailments and disorders.
Bad digestion is the root of all evil. According to Ayurveda, the root cause of all disorders lies in the poor digestion, that is why digestion should remain strong, but people don’t like to talk about and prefer to keep private. Although, when gas, constipation, bloating strike, it seems to be the only thing we can focus on. To solve this problem today we will tell you top effective yoga for digestion poses which will clear all your digestive ailments and disorders.
Here are the top 9 secrets about yoga for digestion.
Knees to chest pose
It also is known as the , it gains relief from bloating, gas pains, constipation and acidity. If there is a disturbance in your intestines then you can adopt this yoga for digestion pose.
How to do:
- First lie down on your back in your yoga mat
2. Extend both hands and feet directly.
3. Now, leaving your breath, drag your knees to your chest.
5. If the knee comes to the chest, then bind with both hands.
6. Keep your back flat during this work.
7. Now hold both knees and turn your knees around clockwise.
8. Now, stretch your knees up (lightly) and keep your head in the knees.
9. During this time your telbone should not touch the ground.
10. It will relieve your spine and waist.
This yoga pos will remove the weaknesses of your stomach.
Note: Keep in mind that if you have just got up from any surgery, do not do this yoga and do not do this exercise even if you have injuries in your back, waist or hips.
Peacock pose
This asana is very effective for the good digestive probelm. During the pose, you will place pressure on the digestion organs by balancing the weight of your body on your arms. The blood supply in the body increases and full oxygen-rich blood will flow which improves digestive organs for better works.
- First of all start by sitting in your ankles.
- Make sure your knees are wide
- Put your hands on the floor and point your fingertips towards your body.
- Now slowly turn your elbow and press on your stomach.
- Remember that you have to keep your stomach firm, leave your head on the floor and power your belly.
- Now straighten your feet, the upper part of your leg will be pointing to the floor.
- Tighten your knees and raise your head.
- Now move your body weight forward and lift your feet on the floor.
- Now your hands will be lifting your body weight.
- Hold this pose for about 10-12 seconds.
- Place it on the floor and on the floor for release, and relax.
Kapalbhati Pranayama
This yoga for digestion is very beneficial for people of all ages, the best part is that doing this Yoga is purifying your mind and body. If you want to bring some really good changes inside you, then definitely try this pose. This asana works well, it improves your blood circulation and also assist digestive tract functioning, absorption and also help in weight loss. Asana is very simple where you exhale the gas and inhale oxygen immediately with a pressure in a stomach. Regular practice of Kapalbhati pranayama improve immunity and detox your body.
Half lord of the fish
It has a better ability in cleaning bowel and improve digestion and also improves liver and pancreatic health. This pose will stimulate your liver and kidneys as well as stretch your spine, shoulders, hips and neck. Your digestion will improve.
- One foot is placed flat on the floor outside the opposite legs and torso twists towards the top leg.
- The bottom leg may be bent with the foot outside
- the opposite hip or extended with toes vertically.
- Be sure to perform this twist on both sides.
Note: If there is an injury in your back bone or spine, then do not do this pose or consult your doctor.
Shoulderstand pose
It is an advanced posture in which there is a lot of health benefits, it is like the exercise of your whole body, this yoga is very beneficial for your body’s internal parts.
- Lie on the floor and bend your knees.
- Keep your arms beside your body and your feet flat on the floor.
- Move your hips up to give your chest a good stretch.
- To better your digestion try it 10 times regularly.
- You can modify move through keeping your hands under you as you arch your back
- and open your chest.
Note: Because this is an advanced point so keep a yoga teacher with you, if there is an injury on the shoulder or neck then consult Yoga Teacher. If you are not able to go up, take a pillow.
Seated forwarded bend
It is an amazing yoga for digestion,This posture keeps your mind calm and keeps you away from disorders such as depressio
n and anxiety. It will improve the digestive tract, as well as remove problems such as menopause and menstruation.
- By placing a pillow on tour tighs and allowing your belly to rest upon it
- when you fold forward, you will be creating space for a digestion massage to take place.
- Each time you take a full inhale the pillow will resist against your belly causing a compression,
- Then exhale. Repeat this breathing into the pillow as many times.
Note: If you are suffering from back or waist injuries, then do not do this pause. Or consult a good yoga teacher.
Cobra pose
An asana which reduces fatigue, at it resembles a snake with its hood raised. It helps open the shoulders and neck and also beneficial for respiratory disorders.
- Lie flat on the ground, with forehead,
- stomach and toes touching the floors and palms down.
- Breath in and lift your torso off the floor using your hands.
- On breathing out, return back to the floor.
Child pose
Balasana also was known as resting poses this is a basic move you can use for a relaxing stretch and also help this yoga for digestion.
- Sit on your knees and feet with your legs spaced wide apart.
- Lean formed stretching your arms in front of you.
- Then keeping your back straight, place your forehead on the floor.
- To make it easier to hold the pose, rest your head on a pillow.
Note: If you have injuries to your knee, do not try it, Do this pose according to your own range of limits and ability.
Corpse Pose
The ultimate posture for all the body problems or healing is Savasana. When you are at rest, you will be tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system. This is also known as your “rest and digest”.
As you lie still, you are allowing all stresses to melt away and you are literally creating a healing environment for your body. The flow of blood will enhance your digestive organs.
So, friends, this are the top 10 yoga for digestion which will imporve your digestion as well cure your bowel movements.
Source: VigorScoop
“The 10 Secrets About Yoga For Digestion Only A Handful Of People Know” by: Saurabh