Studies Prove That “Diet” Coca-Cola Drinks Will Kill You Before They Solve Obesity
Coca-Cola are marketing a new slogan in their apparent contribution to battling obesity which says “a calorie is a calorie.”
Yet another attempt by the business to convince dieters that their “low calorie” products can still be used as part of a healthy, balanced diet – and yet another nonsense lie.
The truth is, a calorie is certainly not a calorie; not when those calories are full of nasty chemicals that control the rate at which your body metabolises food and ultimately affects how much you eat.
Their latest advertising ventures have been laughable at best and do not clearly represent an honest view of how these low calorie Coca-Cola products are affecting our bodies.
Their recent video ad is discussed just up ahead, but we advise you to take it with a pinch of salt…or sugar!
So what does this mean for the dieters out there?
Basically stay well away from ANY drink made by the Coca-Cola Company. They are so packed full of sugar and additives and there are so many controversies surrounding their production and marketing techniques that they simply cannot be trusted.
The aspartame problem alone should be enough to spark anyone’s concern.
One of the quotes from the full ad states:
“Across our portfolio of more than 650 beverages we now offer over 180 low and no calorie choices and most of our full calorie beverages now have low or no calorie versions.
Over the last 15 years, this has helped reduce the average calories per serving across our industries products in the US by about 22%”
This may be true to a degree, yet the definition of “low-calorie” seems somewhat estranged from the colloquial sense of the term. The addition of artificial sweeteners do indeed mean that the overall calorie count of these beverages can be lowered, however the sweeteners (such as aspartame) that are used in the low calorie drinks actually increase your appetite, and help your body to break down food faster.
With this in mind, how on earth would it ever be a good idea to promote these products to a people who want to lead a healthier life with a more balanced diet? It seems criminal no?
Consuming all the artificial additives in these soft drinks has been directly linked to obesity and swathes of other diseases and illnesses such as:
• Cancer
• Caffeine Addiction
• Gum Disease
• Diabetes
• Immunodeficiency Disorders
• Birth Defects
• Anxiety and Depression (Which can cause people to eat even more!)
It is obvious now more than ever that Coca-Cola, among many other “low-calorie” soft drink producers, are not to be trusted at all – whether dieting or not. The lies and deceit have gone on long enough now and we feel it is not in our remit as people of this earth to have to listen to it anymore.
If you think about it, if Coca-Cola really wanted to make a healthy change to their products, wouldn’t something like a REAL fruit smoothie that could be sold in schools be the first thing on their agenda?