7 Ways for Anti-Aging Lifestyle That Will Improve the Quality of You Life
We can’t speak of a quality life if we do not mention the 2 most important issues of it, happiness and health. H and H (Happiness and Health) just go one with another. We can’t have happy life if we are sick nor have a good health especially mental health if we are not happy. Mental health is one of the biggest challenges of the modern world with tremendous increase of people with depression – the leading destroyer of both our body and mind!
Depression – leading source that will boost you aging processes and destroy your life! Fight it now with these simple and easy tips.
Guess what? Unlike things you read every day about how to improve your life which basically always start with healthy lifestyle or boosting your self-confidence, we will turn our first focus to something really important!
Point 1 and 2 will be very shocking to read but it’s worthy and we suggest you to follow! It may not apply for everyone reading this.
1.Is your job safe? Are you happy and satisfied with your job or with what you do?
If you are not happy with your current job or with what you do at the moment, quit your job right now!
According to World Health Organization (WHO), depression is one of the leading problems worldwide. Analysis of WHO with other world medical and scientific associations has proven that doing a job that you don’t like or that is not safe and have an exposure of risk factors may be one of the leading sources to long-lasting changes that you might not even notice!
Depression, mood change, losing of faith, hope and energy – key factors that will influence not only your aging process, but also the libido and external look!
If you like your job and what you do, you are on the right way, just keep on reading and follow point 2.
2.Visit an educational event no matter of your age!
We are never too old to learn. The technology is moving faster and faster day by day each field is improving with the speed of light, no matter if you speak about science or economy or else. Visiting a Congress, Symposium, Conference, Training Course, will not only be good for improving your personal skills and knowledge, but they are a great chance for meeting new people and especially those that work, do and love the same job you do.
These type of events may lead to a drastic change in your life and it’s worth a try – you just can’t lose anything by attending.
3.Read 1 book each quarter of the year – related to the season
Reading is the best exercise for your brain. Beside of the fact that while you’re reading, your body and mind are relaxed, there are several other benefits from reading a good book. These other benefits include reducing of stress, expanding your vocabulary, gaining knowledge that will make you a brilliant conversationalist and help your job prospects, learn about different cultures and people.
How many times did you hear that someone’s life has changed after reading a good book?
You can also read inspiring books about people who have attained success in the area of your choice and improve your job skills. This will enhance your enthusiasm, motivation and will boost your self confidence.
4.Family – Spend quality time with the people who make you happy (family and friends)
Friends and family can have a major impact on your health and well-being. They can improve your self-confidence and self-worth, boost your happiness and reduce your stress, encourage you, help you with anything, celebrate with you and provide support whenever you need it. The people that you choose to be beside you also play a significant and big role in promoting your overall health. People with strong social support have a reduced risk of many health problems, like high blood pressure, depression, unhealthy body mass index and they live longer than other people.
5.Traveling – no matter what you do, you can always find some days in the year which you will reserve for an adventure!
No matter what you do, find at least 10 working days annually to travel and explore (does not have to be long range distance).
Do you think that non-working days for holidays are just randomly chosen to be non-working?!? What’s stopping us from working during days like Easter, Christmas, 4th of July or others? It is in the basics of nature and human beings to take a rest. That is why we sleep, that is why we need rest. That is why we need rest days in our life.
Traveling is also good for: Stress Control, Stopping an Aging-Brain and many other reasons.
Many people exercise in their life, some every day, others at least three times per week, and that’s because it can bring on welcome changes to your physical appearance – prevent weight gain and control body mass index, firmer muscles, burn calories and lose weight, more toned arms and legs, and less body fat.
But there are many more benefits from exercise that you know and you can’t see. These “invisible” things are just important, than the aesthetic ones.
Small but proper exercise, 2-3 times a week will improve your career and life!
Exercise will effect on your mood and lessen your anxiety, it will boost your immune function, you will fall asleep faster and sleep better, it will boost your sexual health, it will reduce symptoms of PMS and it will strengthen your brain. All of the above mentioned, will improve your working skills and may boost your career!
7.Proper Diet but definitely not insane!
Food may be our enemy regarding the storage of fat and cellulite, but when it comes to proper function of the body and mind, food is not only our best friends, but it is a MUST!
Never put stress to your body by not eating!
You should always eat properly, especially never skip a morning breakfast full of components your body needs. There are just plenty of foods to fulfill your needs for carbs, proteins, fats (health fats), vitamins, minerals and other.
Source: antiagingvoyage
“7 Ways for Anti-Aging Lifestyle That Will Improve the Quality of You Life”